Thursday, March 4, 2010

Google May Start Calling PageRank Something Else


Google: It May Be Time for a New Term

Last year, Google quietly got rid of PageRank in Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster Trends Analyst Susan Moskwa had said, "We've been telling people for a long time that they shouldn't focus on PageRank so much; many site owners seem to think it's the most important metric for them to track, which is simply not true. We removed it because we felt it was silly to tell people not to think about it, but then to show them the data, implying that they should look at it."

A lot of people wondered why Google would keep PageRank in the Google Toolbar, where it still sits to this day. Search enthusiast Barry Schwartz of Rusty Brick speculated that Google would not want to remove it because PageRank is "too much of their branding." After some words from Google's Director of Research, Peter Norvig today, however, I'm not so sure that's the case.

Note: Watch Norvig's keynote address here (or view our liveblog of the event), and our exclusive interviw with him here:

Norvig said at SMX today that PageRank is still one thing that is "overhyped," and that Google never felt that it was such a big factor. They have always looked at all available data, combining every available signal and tiring to figure out the best way to combine them.

Norvig also said that it may be time for some re-branding with regard to PageRank. There may be a different term in the pipeline. "There's a technical formula that's PageRank, which is the way of judging the links between pages, and that's just one component of how we rank the pages and you get your final search results. There's all these other things that come in, but they don't have a catchy name. So some people apply PageRank to mean all the components that give you the final ranking, and that's where we get confused. So probably we need some other term for that...We'll get some marketing guys on it."

I don't know how seriously the company is considering this, as Norvig seems to simply be speaking off the cuff, but given the company's repeated emphasis on a lack of emphasis on PageRank, it would not be surprising to see them change the name. However, the problem with that could be, that these same PR-obsessed webmasters would just become obsessed with the re-branded term.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Keyword Optimization For Website Ranking -SEOnics


Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is now more heavily guarded. Those who include keywords too often will have their sites labeled as spam, whereas not enough instances of the appropriate keyword means you won't receive the desired results. However, the algorithms have become particularly smart and as well as the keywords you want to target you should include other relevant keywords. Including inflexions of keywords is one excellent way to ensure that your site is deemed to be relevant. Inflexions are slight changes to your keyword. For example, inflexions of the keyword "advertising" include advertise, advertised, advertisement, etc...

Keyword Inclusion

Weight is also given to keywords that are included in certain sections of a page. These sections include the title tag, meta tags (only relevant to smaller search engines now), header tags, image alt tags and formatting tags (e.g. keywords in bold or italicized) of your text. With image alt tags and hyperlink title tags it is important that you don't simply fill these with keywords because this will be ignored at best, and penalized at worst.

Natural Content Writing

One of the most effective ways to ensure that your site is keyword optimized properly is to write the content naturally first. Once you have done this, go through and ensure that any relevant keywords are included throughout the text. Only place them where they would appear naturally and remove them from anywhere where they appear awkward. Once you've written the content you should also check the remaining factors to ensure everything is ok.

For SEO Services contact SEO Services India

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Link Popularity – Important for Search Engines


Link popularity is one of the most influential factors that determine how well your website will perform in the search engine rankings. In the past, ranking of a web page was determined by the number of keywords with on-page elements like Meta tags, title tags etc. but web developers soon learned the trick to cheat on the search engines. Later on, search engines laid much emphasis on the number of links a site had. This too worked for some time and website developers found means to abuse the search engine again and earn links by the use of link farming. But then search engines began to assign a quality factor to each of the links pointing to the website. Building link popularity became a science in itself and today it is one of the most complicated and intricate activity for the search engine optimizer.

Link popularity is an off page criteria, exploited by the search engines to measure the quantity and quality of the websites that link to your site at any given time. It adds the aspect of impartiality to the rankings and increases the visibility of the website. Inbound links play an important role for getting a high keyword ranking and it is link popularity that matters the most. A good link is always better than hundred bad links.

Tips to Boost your Link Popularity Campaign

Devote Time To Gain Links:

It is not possible to grow link popularity overnight. Spend some quality time to work on the links and make it a part of your routine. Notice the results and then work accordingly.

Quality Not Quantity:

Search engines follow certain sophisticated rules when judging links and the popularity of the site is also vital. Avoid link farming and try to get links from similar sites as links from relevant sites are strong endorsements and will increase your link popularity.

Get Listed To Many Directories

This is important if your site is a new one and without inbound links, search engines will not rank your website. To get quality links get listed to as many directories as you can.

Set Your Goals

Link building is a time consuming and taxing job. Do not look for instant results. Have patience and keep a track of your links. One quality link a month shows that you are doing well. Give your exact HTML link code: specify what you want in the link and suggest in which page you want that. This will make your job easier and reduce the burden in setting up the link.
Choose a professional SEO company for your link popularity campaign

Link building is a time consuming job and needs proper planning. Approaching SEO Services India is a good way of being successful without hurting your reputation.


A website’s link popularity is not just concerned with the number of incoming links but also with the quality and type of website that links to the site. Google’s latest algorithm updates have made the distinction very clear between quality links and quantity links. So, it can be said that, it is Google’s method to minimize the abuse of using unethical means to rank websites and improve the search engine page results.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Link Referral & SEO Tips


When I started blogging, it was so difficult for me to get traffic. I’d only get a few views from promoting my site in a forum. If these visitors liked the content of my blog, they’d come back. But for some time they were the only ones who knew about my site.

And then I started browsing other people’s blogs, and stumbled upon a banner from LinkReferral. I clicked on it and was taken to the LinkReferral website, where I learned about their concept. The concept is: it’s like a big blog/website directory. You can sign up and add your site there. But it’s not just like any other blog directory because the members are encouraged to click on each other’s sites. What’s the incentive? Everytime you click on a site in the directory, your site moves up the list. If you’re very diligent with clicking, you’ll be somewhere at the top of the list, making it much more likely that other members will get to click on your site.

My traffic started increasing after I joined LinkReferral. However it also plateaus after a while, so I recommend that you also look for other ways to increase traffic. For those who are just beginning and are trying to establish their bog or website in the net, it’s a great way to start building up.

Here are some of the SEO tips

  1. Spotlight your search term on the page. If you want to be found for your keyword, make sure that term is on the page you want to rank. The term should be at the top as well as peppered throughout your copy.
  2. Fill in your "tags." The two most important tags are Title and Description b/c that's what is displayed on the search results.
  3. Get other sites to "link" back to you. This is one of the most important of the 100 factors Google considers when ranking sites
  4. Create a blog and post often. This can help you get links.
  5. Register for free tools. Cutts recommends using the tools at, as well as creating a text-based sitemap, and adding your business to Google's Local Business center (
For further information contact SEO Services India

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Market A Website On FaceBook


Facebook is not the first social network but it is the most popular one. There have been many other social networks before Facebook and while some of them were popular at some point in time, none could reach the popularity of Facebook. In addition to keeping in touch with your friends, Facebook can be (and is) used for business. You can use it to promote your products and services, to acquire new clients, or to get traffic to your site as being a professional SEO.

Like Twitter, Facebook is just one of the many ways to get some traffic to your site. Many marketers believe that it is just a matter of time for the traffic from Facebook, Twitter and the other major social networking sites to surpass the traffic their sites get from Google.

While this time might come, don't take this as a promise that even if you do everything right, Facebook, Twitter, or any other similar site will do traffic miracles for you. For some people Facebook works like a charm, for others it doesn't work at all. The same applies to Twitter. You can't know in advance if Facebook and/or Twitter will crash your server with traffic. Just try both and see which one (if any) works for you.

Unlike Twitter, which is very simplistic, Facebook offers more possibilities. Yes, you might need more time in order to explore all the possibilities and take advantage of them but hopefully these efforts will have a great return in terms of traffic. Here are some tips that can help you turn Facebook into a traffic monster:

Profile is your major weapon

As with Twitter and any other social network, if you don't make your profile interesting, you will hardly become popular. Give enough background information for you and don't forget to make your profile public because this way even people, who don't know you, when they encounter your profile, they might become interested in you and become a supporter of yours.

Include information about your site on your Wall and in the photo gallery
Facebook gives you the opportunity to write a lot about you and your endeavors, as well as to include pictures, so use all these opportunities to build interest in you and your products. It is even better to post videos and fill in the other tabs, so if you have something meaningful to put there, just do it.

Build your network

As with other social networking sites, your network is your major capital. That is why you need to invite your friends, acquaintances, and partners and ask them to join as your supporter. You should also search for people with interests similar to yours. However, don't be pushy and don't spam because this is not the way to convince people to join your network.

Post regularly

No matter how interesting the stuff in your Facebook profile is, if you don't publish new content regularly, the traffic to your Facebook profile (and respectively the Facebook traffic to your site) will slow down. If you can post daily, it is fine but even if you don't post that regularly, try to do it as frequently as you can. If nothing else, updating your status regularly is more than nothing, so do it.

Be active

A great profile, an impressive network, and posting regularly are just a part of the recipe for success on Facebook. You also need to be active – visit the profiles of your supporters, take part in their groups and other initiatives, visit their sites. You are right that all this takes a lot of time and you might soon discover that Facebooking is a full-time occupation but if you notice an increase in traffic to your site, then all this is worth.

Arrange your page

Unlike other social networks, Facebook gives you more flexibility and you can move around many of the boxes. If you put the RSS feed with the links to your blog in a visible space, this alone can generate lots of traffic for you.

Check what Facebook apps are available

Facebook apps are numerous and new and new ones are released all the time. While many of these apps are not exactly what you need, there are apps, which can work for you in a great way. For instance, MarketPlace widget/plugin or Blog Friends widget are very useful and you should take advantage of them. You can also use the widgets for crossposting (i.e. posting directly on Twitter from Facebook) because this saves you time.

Use Facebook Social Ads

If you can't get traffic the natural way, you might consider using Facebook Social ads. These are PPC ads and starting a campaign is similar to an Adwords campaign.

Start a group

There are many groups on Facebook but it is quite probable that there is a free niche for you. Start a group about something related to your business and invite people to join it. The advantage of this approach is that you are getting targeted users – i.e. people, who are interested in you, your product, your ideas, etc.

your own Facebook extensions

While this step is certainly not for everybody, if you can write Facebook extensions, this is one more way to make your Facebook profile popular and get some traffic to your site.

Use separate profiles

Unfortunately, social networks do expose a lot of personal information and you are not paranoid, if you don't want so much publicity. Many people are rightfully worried about their privacy on social network sites and that is why it is not uncommon to have one personal profile for friends and one business profile to promote their business. You can have one single profile for both purposes, but if you have privacy concerns, consider separating this profile in two – you'd better be safe than sorry.

Facebook is changing all the time and no matter how hard you try to follow these changes, there will be new and new possibilities for you to explore. That is why it is not possible to compile a complete list of all the tactics you can use in order to drive traffic from Facebook to your site. Anyway, if you try just the basics for Facebook success we listed here, chances are that you will see a considerable traffic increase.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Build Link List For Your Blog


A Web Service Designed To Make Your Blogging Life Easier

BlogRolling is a one-stop linklist manager for your blog or journal, helping you manage your ever-evolving linklist with ease. There are a lot of tools out there to help you blog without getting your hands dirty - but managing your linklist still means having to crawl through the HTML in your template every time you want to add or remove a link. No more! Now it's as simple as clicking a link or making a pit stop at BlogRolling. Contact a professional seo service for further info.

  • Easy setup
    Add one simple piece of code to your website and you're off and running!

  • Easy editing
    Add, delete or revise your links anytime with a quick visit to our easy-to-use BlogRoll editing page.

  • Lookin' good
    Change the look of your linklist to suit your site.

  • Customize the look and feel with CSS
    Order your links alphabetically, randomly, most recently updated on top or as you please. Display your links in one long list or in chunks. Spice up your linklist by putting link goodies (text, graphics, whatever a bit of HTML can give you) before or after your links.

  • But is it fresh?
    BlogRolling lets you know when the sites in your linklist were last updated, using the link goodies of your choosing to mark the links.

  • Multiple BlogRolls
    Have different BlogRoll for friends, enemies and even in-laws!

  • Good things come in small packages
    Limit the number of links shown in your linklist - works well with larger, randomly ordered BlogRolls.

  • No one has to know your secret
    You can choose to remove the BlogRolling credit link from your BlogRoll.

  • CSS customization
    Customize the appearance of your BlogRoll with CSS.

  • Site integration
    Direct site integration using PHP, ASP or other popular scripting languages.

  • RSS and OPML datasources
    And more! We're always upgrading and improving services at BlogRolling!
  • Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Speed Up Your Site: Use A Slash On Your Links


    When a server opens a link in the form of “” it will need to figure what kind of file or web page is contained on that address, wasting time on the process. If instead of using that link you include a slash (”/”) at the end like “” the web server will already know that the link points to a directory, reducing the time to load the page.

    This will really speed up your website load time , also helps in online marketing of your blog/website.

    The improvement on the loading time of links ending with a slash will not be astronomical, but when it comes to speeding up a website every small bit helps!

    Speed Up Your Site Series:

    1. Optimize Images
    2. Image Formats
    3. Optimze Your CSS
    4. Use a Slash on Your Links
    5. Use the Height and Width Tags
    6. Reduce the HTTP Requests

    Note : In my next post I would explain the points above which help in professional seo.

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